Friday, October 20, 2006

Midtown, 35th Street Between Sixth and Fifth Avenues

Mary Sargent © 2006 ………..........……….. click to enlarge

So, I needed a little more distance and backed up onto this stairway landing to get a better shot, looked down and, yes, there was a better shot.


Anonymous said...

tres belle photo et prise de vue.
bientot aussi en france, on verra ce genre de photo, avec l'interdiction totale de fumer dans les lieux pubiques.
la derniere fois a NYC, j'avais ete surpris de voir des interdictions de fumer même dehors.

very beautiful photograph and catch of sight. soon also in France, one will see this kind of photograph, with total prohibition to smoke in the places pubic. the last time has NYC, I had been surprised to see prohibitions to smoke even outside.

Anonymous said...

This one is especially intriguing. Makes you look and then look twice as searchingly. she looks wedged in by the heavy, tree-like stairs and by her terrible addiction to (and here I indulge my tobacco-company-hatred) a substance that is the absolutely worst thing, short of outright poison, that one can allow to enter one's body. She should take a look at Memorial Sloan-Kettering's floors filled with - well, enuff!