Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Upper East Side, Fifth Avenue Between 65th and 66th Streets

Mary Sargent © 2008 …………………………………….. click to enlarge

Here we have a glimpse of Temple Emanu-El being obscured by the scaffolding which is everywhere in New York. The Temple is the world's largest synagogue, according to

See map.


Anonymous said...

Nice plastic! I saw one of those giant plastic rats today, in front of a Babies R Us on Union Square East, where union people were picketing the store. I saw the rat, swaying as it does, on my way somewhere, and then, two hours later, I saw the rat collapsing into folds as the union guys were packing it up for the night. Wished I had a camera. The rat looked not poignant but funny, cute (it looks cute blown fully, too, although of course what it signifies is not at all cute). Once in a lifetime sight: the rat diminishing into flat. I'm sure I will never see that again.

Anonymous said...

Are you really named Joe Hill? You know, my momma used to sing that song (I think Joan Baez also sang it): "I thought I saw
Joe Hill last night,
Alive as you or me.
Oh Joe, I said,
You're ten years dead.
I never died,
Said he.
I never died,
Said he."

Remember that one? Has that song trickled down to Gen-X or the even-younger generation(s)? Doubt it. I can't seem to tear myself away and go to sleep, and I have to go to work early tomorrow.