Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Upper New York Bay

Back from vacation. It was wonderful despite the bruises from a full body fall and the sliced finger from getting careless with a mandoline. I don't mean sliced off, although that could have happened. Luckily, they didn't happen on the same day. I try to look on the bright side.

And so, home again and back to the boat ride of over two weeks ago. I'll try to get up to date soon.

Mary Sargent © 2008 …………………………………….. click to enlarge

Now we have turned around and come down into the Upper Bay so that we could see the Statue of Liberty and other landmarks. I took a number of photos of Miss Liberty and this is the only one that wasn't too blurry to show. What with the long exposures required because of the darkness and the movement of the boat, I consider it a miracle that I got this one.

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