Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Inwood, Broadway Between 216th and 218th Streets

Mary Sargent © 2009 …………………………………….. click to enlarge

Here's our new grocery store, Antillana Food Plaza, obviously Spanish oriented. I just looked up Antillana to make sure I wasn't making a fool of myself and found that it refers to the Antilles. The Antilles are basically all those islands in the Caribbean. If you would like a more exact definition, just click here.

In my more innocent days, I would see this store and think, "great! A grocery store near me!" Now I think: Who owns it? Why did they think this was a good idea, here, far away from the "business district" of Inwood? Did they have good research? Do they have enough capital to last long enough to get established? Who lent them the money?

Some of those answers are here in the Manhattan Times.

See map.


jdemott said...

I really like this picture. There's just something appealing about an open-air market. Even though it flies in the face of my germaphobic nature, I am tempted by all the food out there in the world, ready for the taking.

Of course, I realize this is a store, with bins out front, not quite an open-air market. But, the photo gives the same ambience. Makes me want to buy an apple, or something more exotic, a mango maybe?

Nice pics. Show more food. I'm hungry.


flyinglady said...

Ha ha, jdemott, you're funny.

I don't know why, but now I want to eat a hot dog with mustard and onions and sauerkraut. And mango juice ...

kayskwips-kay.blogspot.com said...

What excites me about this picture are the colors and the way they go together, and the contrast between the darkening exterior and the warmth and color inside. it definitely attracts me.
