Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Manhattanville, Broadway at 125th Street

Mary Sargent © 2009 …………………………………….. click to enlarge

Yesterday, I went downtown to have lunch with Yvette, my old office buddy. We got caught up and had a nice, relaxed time over a couple of glasses of wine, which stood me in good stead later, as you shall see. On my way back uptown, I got off the No. 1 train at 125th Street and walked up Broadway to the next stop at 137th.

Do not be fooled by that bright sunshine – it was cold! The wind was unrelenting for all 12 blocks and I didn't have a hat. Here's where the wine comes in. Although it dosen't really keep you warm, it makes you think it does and that matters.

Mary Sargent © 2009 …………………………………….. click to enlarge

Broadway is dominated by the elevated subway tracks until it goes back underground at 135th Street. The reason it is elevated for this one stop, according to Wikipedia, is that there is a fault known as the 125th Street Fault which creates a valley deep enough to require the trains to span it. I have walked Broadway south of 125th Street, and now, north, but I have been unaware of walking into or out of a deep valley. Maybe it's that I walk so slowly that it's impossible to tell whether I'm going up or downhill.

See map.


Anonymous said...

Nice pics. I marvel at how high that station actually is considering it was built 100 years ago. There is another similar viaduct on 155th st. near the harlem river and polo grounds projects.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I'll get there. Eventually.