Sunday, October 15, 2006

Morningside Heights, 120th Street Between Broadway and Amsterdam

Mary Sargent © 2006 …….......……………….. click to enlarge

This is the Columbia School of Engineering and Applied Science. Try to get a look through the front windows to see the tubing hanging down from the ceiling, and the big wheel-like things. A bit primitive? Or do I just not know my applied science?


Anonymous said...

Je viens de découvrir ton blog sur Manhattan. Il est vraiment trés bien. tes photos sont une invitation à une ballade dans NYC (Ville que j'aime).
Je sens que je vais revenir souvent me ballader sur ton blog

I have just discovered your blog on Manhattan. It is really very well. your photographs are an invitation with a ballade in NYC (City which I like). I feel that I will return often me ballader on your blog

Si tu comprends le Français, je serais un homme heureux ;o)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just love the "un homme heureux" (or he'll be one if you understand his French).

I love, too, the three funny lights on the building (the tubing did not, for some reason--I usually LOVE tubing--get to me).