Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Midtown, Bryant Park at Sixth Avenue

Mary Sargent © 2007 …………………………………….. click to enlarge

I wanted to go for a walk Christmas morning when the streets were quiet because most people were still at home, or so I thought, and I decided to try the Times Square/Bryant Park area. I took the A train to 42nd Street, walked across 41st to Bryant Park (that's Eighth to Sixth Avenue) and then turned around and came back. I still do not know if most people were at home this morning because I didn't get out until 2:30, and by that time, they were definitely out.

I'm showing you this shot at Bryant Park at the end of my walk because, by golly, there is a Christmas tree! See, way there in the back? Those tent-like things in the middle ground are the temporary setups for the holiday gift fair. And in the background is the back of the main branch of the New York Public Library.

Tomorrow we'll start at the beginning.

See map.

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